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The 2nd Goddard CubeSats Symposium (2017)

September 26, 2017
Sponsored by PCSI, the Planetary CubeSat Science Institute
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Building 36

Program and schedule

Session 1: Opportunities and Challenges

08:00-08:30 Morning coffee
08:30-08:35 Welcome and local arrangements, C. Nixon, GSFC
08:35-08:45 Opening remarks, C. Hartmann/P. Mahaffy GSFC
08:45-08:50 PCSI aims and objectives, B. Lakew, GSFC
08:50-09:15 CubeSats in 2050, D. Schurr, NASA HQ
09:15-09:30 Launching cubesats: rideshare and ESPA, R. Caffrey, GSFC
09:30-09:45 GSFC Small Sat Office, T. Johnson, GSFC
09:45-10:00 Planetary protection, C. Conley, NASA HQ
10:00-10:15 Q&A, discussion
10:15-10:45 Break

Session 2: Science concepts and Missions

10:45-11:00 Lunar Flashlight: Illuminating the Moon's South Pole, B. Cohen, GSFC
11:00-11:15 BOLAS: Bi-sat Observations of the Lunar Atmosphere above Swirls, T. Stubbs, GSFC
11:15-11:30 Cupid's Arrow, J. Baker, JPL
11:30-11:45 CUVE, V. Cottini, UMD
11:45-12:00 APEX: Apophis Probe Experiment, J. Plescia, APL
12:00-12:15 Q&A, discussion
12:15-01:30 Lunch

Session 3: Technologies and Subsystems

01:30-01:45 Cubesat buses and architectures, C. Goodloe, GSFC
01:45-02:00 Cubesat propulsion systems, K. Parker, GSFC
02:00-02:15 Cubesat communications, J. Baker, JPL
02:15-02:30 Mass spectrometers for Cubesats, N. Paschalidis, GSFC
02:30-02:45 Cubesat cameras, D. Dufour, INO
02:45-03:00 Q&A, discussion
03:00-03:30 Break
03:30-05:00 Posters


Enabling CubeSat Missions with Deployable Systems for More Power and Aperture, Mark Bailey, MMA Design, LLC
CubeSat Solar Electric Propulsion, Michael VanWoerkom, ExoTerra
Goddard miniaturized magnetometers for SmallSat missions, Jared Espley/Jacob Gruesbeck, NASA GSFC/UMD
Primitive Object Volatile Explorer (PrOVE): Waypoints to Comets, Tilak Hewagama, UMD
Cubesat Application for Planetary Entry (CAPE) Missions: Micro-Return Capsule (MIRCA), Jaime Esper, NASA GSFC
Core Flight System Satellite Starter Kit, David McComas, NASA GSFC
Icecube: CubeSat Demonstration of 883-Ghz Cloud Ice Radiometer, Liu (David) Yuping, NASA GSFC
Reaction Wheel for CubeSat Attitude Control, Gerardo Cruz-Ortiz, NASA GSFC
Pinesat, a Multi-Cubesat Mission to Jupiter, Patrick Stakem, Johns Hopkins Laboratory
Gas Abundance Sensor Package (GASP), Dat Tran, Catholic University of America
Trajectory Design For A Titan CubeSat Mission, Sabrina Thompson, NASA GSFC
Laser Limb Sounding of the Mars Atmosphere using SmallSats, Haris Riris/James Abshire, NASA GSFC
Dellingr Mission, Chuck Clagett/Luis Santos, NASA GSFC
Flight Software for Cubesats and Smallsats, Alan Cudmore, NASA GSFC
INO MEMS/MOEMS foundry: flexible processing, heterogeneous 3D integration, hermetic packaging, and complete instrument development, Francois Chateauneuf, INO